Monday, July 5, 2010

Nexus, Ricky Steamboat, Monday Night Raw...

This whole Nexus angle has got me thinking, this has been one of the most interesting and captivating story lines that the WWE has done in a LONG time. My jaw drops every time they unleash an attack, even though I know it's coming. They may all not be well-known yet but they are certainly making an impact on the wrestling scene. The individual in the sparkly trunks does bug me a bit, I think he looks like a male stripper in those ridiculous things, reminds me slightly of Ahmed Johnson. I`m not too fussy on Justin Gabriel either, he looks like an infant, most likely one of those guys that will have to stand in the shadows of someone else before he breaks out on his own. It will sure be interesting to see how this plays out, especially with the anonymous General Manager of Raw, is he with them? Against them? Or is he just playing us all for fools?

Speaking of the General Manager, I don't know if they are fooling with us or if it is some sort of hint, but they may have given out a clue as to who this individual may be.

"That's the bottom line, because the GM said so..."

Clever clue or red herring? I would lose my mind if Steve Austin came back. I thought he was phenomenal as Raw guest host in March. He relates to the crowd, he is 'one of the guys'. You can just see yourself cracking open a beer with the guy and shooting the breeze, that's the main reason why he is one of the most popular superstars ever.

"If you want to see some action, give me a hell yeah..."

If that isn't a clue then I don't know what is. Hopefully it is the Rattlesnake himself, what a way to shoot some energy into the program. I just hope that this is not going to turn out to be someone, for lack of a better word, lame.

Thoughts and prayers go out to Ricky Steamboat. Nothing but wishes for a speedy recovery and an even speedier recovery to his behind the scenes work. He truly is one of the greats, I had a chance to catch a glimpse of him at the Westin in downtown Calgary and I was just in awe. It is nice to see the WWE getting the 'classic' wrestlers in on the action. It's adding spunk and an interesting perspective to the show.

Just wanted to fire off a quick post while all of these thoughts were fresh in my head, now back to the program...

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