Saturday, July 3, 2010

In Memory of Owen...

Owen Hart is a legend. Not just because of how he tragically passed away, but because of his remarkable career and huge Hart (pun intended).

It saddens and dismays me that Martha is bringing a lawsuit against WWE yet again. All over the 'Hart & Soul' DVD set, which chronicles the lineage of the Hart family from Stu's rough upbringing, all the way to the Hart Dynasty. I do understand that she is still hurting over Owen, no one could possibly ever completely getting over their spouse dying like that. At the same time, Owen technically was public domain, a bare bones way of putting it. The WWE owns his likeness, the moves he used in the ring, and anything else that he did while with the company. She clearly knows that so I am baffled as to why she would even attempt to bring a lawsuit against them now concerning this issue. She had received generous treatment from Vince, Linda, and the entire WWE for what had happened. Suing them again over something so trivial as using him in a DVD and featuring him on the cover shows how vindictive and petty she really is.

I am in complete agreeance with Bret on this, she is essentially erasing everything that Owen has ever done in his career. He was one of the most honest men in the business, a gentle person, a jokester, and one of the most consummate professionals ever to step into the squared circle. He is truly one of the greats, very deserving of a place in the Hall of Fame, he probably won`t ever get to that accolade due to Martha. If you loved your husband, wouldn`t you want to see him recognized for all that he has done? All the success that he has had? Why would you want to rob his children of the chance to know exactly what their father meant to the people he entertained? His kids deserve to see what an impact their father had left on everyone in the industry.

According to a statement released by the WWE attorney, Martha had not contacted the company for ten years. Why now? Money? Greed? Hatred? Or a combination of all three?

I feel sorry for her. Even more so, I feel sorry for her children.

I remember exactly where I was when I saw Jim Ross announce that Owen had passed away. I was sitting at home with my Dad, our jaws dropped and our faces as white as ghosts. A legend had truly been snatched away from us decades too soon. The impact that he had left on the wrestling world was evidenced by the outpouring of grief and good memories that fellow wrestlers showed on that episode of Monday Night Raw. I cried for a week. I felt like I had lost someone close to me, growing up on wrestling for my entire life made me feel like I had a connection to the Harts. It is unfair that Martha wants to sever this connection that he had with his fans.

I still have that tape of Over the Edge. I can't bring myself to watch it. I keep it tucked away amongst my wrestling tapes, DVDs, magazines, and other memorabilia. It still stings to think about it. I hope that one day, she can get off her high horse and realize just what she is doing.

Rest in peace Owen.

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