Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Champion vs. Champion.

Two of the biggest names in wrestling are facing each other this Sunday in a match to determine the true champion. It's going to be outspoken CM Punk versus golden boy John Cena. I personally love both of them and look forward to seeing them face each other yet again.

Like their MITB match, this face-off is a definite game changer. Who really is the champion? Is it the man who won and then left? Or is it the man who won it from Rey Mysterio? It certainly has peaked the interest of wrestling and non-wrestling fans from all over, easily becoming one of the most popular angles of the last five or ten years.

Personally, I think that CM Punk is the true champ. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a true blue John Cena fan. I have a Cena snuggie for god sakes. He has been the number one guy for the company for quite some time and he deserves that title, there is no denying that he's a big draw. That being said, CM Punk is a breath of fresh air. There is a new sheriff in town with Triple H taking over the television leadership reigns from Vince and CM Punk is the perfect guy to, for lack of a better term, shake shit up. His off the cuff rants are the most compelling and exciting stuff to come out of WWE programming in a LONG time.

As I've said a million times before, there needs to be a change when it comes to the champion. There are the same guys winning it far too often and it seems as though someone has finally answered my prayers. I think Vince McMahon is one of the most brilliant men ever, and he knows that this recent 'Age of Punk' is peaking interest in his company and its superstars.

There is a shifting dynamic and CM Punk is at the forefront, it may not be a full fledged return to the Attitude Era, but it's a start.

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