Monday, January 10, 2011

Raw Blurbs.

Tonight's episode of Monday Night Raw started out as expected, with CM Punk and Nexus coming out and opening the show. I, for one, really am enjoying having CM Punk as the leader of the Nexus faction. He seems to have the right persona for it, as well as incredible mic skills. Not to discredit Wade Barrett, but CM Punk is excelling in this role, especially with the slow demolition of his SES. He is a leader, not a follower. This creative decision certainly has rejuvenated the storyline as it had become somewhat stale. It will be interesting to see how John Cena is incorporated into his storyline with his current injury and the fact that he has been pulled from several shows. Hopefully he will be at 100% for the Royal Rumble and able to compete at Wrestlemania.

In other Raw news, the rivalry between John Morrison and Sheamus is going quite well. Morrison is a fantastic wrestler and he is finally becoming the superstar that he deserves to be. He is being brought front and centre to showcase his abilities, and Sheamus is being given some new competition. As much as I do not like him, he is going to go far in this business and is on his way to being one of the top guys (I wouldn't consider his a top guy yet, even though he has won the title).

As I am typing this, it was just announced that Shawn Michaels is the first inductee into the Hall of Fame for 2011. His acceptance speech will certainly be epic and more than a few tears will be shed. What a fantastic honor for an amazing competitor. I may not have always liked him but he sure has provided me, as well as the millions of members of the WWE Universe, with many memorable moments. From when he descended from the roof to face Bret Hart, when he faced Ric Flair in his retirement match, fighting the Undertake in the Hell In a Cell, all his antics with DX, and when he had his ultimate Wrestlemania moment when he fought the Undertaker at WM26. There are way too many moments for me to mention them all here, all I know is that there wont be an ass in a seat when he comes out on stage to accept this prestigious honor. Congratulations Shawn, you truly have earned it.

On a side note, am I the only one that is tired of The Miz being champion? Seriously, can he and Alex Riley be any more annoying? I cannot wait until this little punk loses the title. I understand the need to get newer faces out there instead of having the same guys win the title but The Miz just irritates the hell out of me. Although I am enjoying his interaction with Jerry Lawler very much, it is always a pleasure to see such a legend take to the ring and kick some ass.

A final thought as the last match is happening, Michael Cole should be stuck backstage. I always complain about him for the simple fact that I don't like him. Every time he speaks it just irks me to no end. His whole persona at the announcing table is just unbelievable, he brings zero personality to the table. Hopefully once Lawler and Orton are done with Alex Riley and The Miz, they can take care of Cole. Now that would be a magnificent end to the Raw broadcast!

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